i know this will somewhat vary by area, but we are starting to formulate our wishlist for this summer's hiring of an afternoon sitter/nanny for the kids. I estimate that the person will work 4 hours a day - 20 hours a week.
I will only hire an adult (this is not an after school gig for a high school person). They will likely need to pick up one kid at daycare and we haven't figured out if we are providing a carseat or the whole car to them yet. No cleaning, minimal food prep - ie, snacks, popping dinner i prepared in the oven at a certain time.
am i looking at $10/hr? $15/hr? i obviously need to figure out what we can afford too. i also don't want to be totally off base.....
i actually thought one kid ending daycare would mean some savings. At the low end, $10/hr for 20hr weeks will be the same as Ava's full time daycare cost now. Plus I'll be paying for Ava to go to camp too in the summers. So, absolutely no savings in the childcare arena!
Re: cost of afternoon sitter?
yes its a buzz kill isnt it.
we pay our sitter who works 8-9 and 3-5 does minimal housekeeping and does drive the kids to acitvities $17/hour. She is in her late 20s.
buzz kill doesn't even begin to describe it. I'm looking at a $10,000 summer - for freaking 8 weeks of life: between daycare, camp, sitter, mandatory family vacation to cover part of the 2.5 weeks between camp and school....I almost died when I started to add this up!
yes between camp and the nanny summer is $$. plus the fill in when theya re out of school and then Ryan's tutoring and their activity fees. I am not saving anything, and I think I am out of pocket even more.
Our regular sitter will be picking up RP for me from aftercare once I start my new job in 2 weeks. Until I get settled its going to be 4 days/week, anywhere from 1-4 hours each day (she was his preschool teacher so sometimes covers aftercare there - on those days it'll be more like an hour, on days when she's done at 3 it'll be 3 or 4). No cleaning or picking up after him, though she will need to give him dinner if we're not home at 6. I'm likely paying her $15/hour, which is her normal rate for one child; we also gave her the option of a flat rate, but she chose hourly, which is fine with me. I'll just keep a tally and pay her every Friday.
RP is 6, which may also factor into things for you.
Got it. We pay our sitters the same rate whether it's daytime and they do more or nighttime and the kids are sleeping........
I guess you ladies don't have aftercare available at the school? That really sucks, and I feel for you... I can see how that would eat up any savings from not paying for daycare.
This whole public school thing is a whole other world to navigate. I have no idea what we'll do in the summers.... And paying $15-18 an hour for FULL DAYS in the summer .... well.... I'd have to quit my job, because that's a lot of fricken money. I want to bury my head in the sand for now. Lol! Seriously though, good luck.