I'm trying to remember if I ever brought birthday treats to school, and can't remember! I probably did but I just can't remember.
Almost all of my students bring in treats for their birthdays. I've had students over the years who always bring the same thing every year, and sometimes it's something kind of funny like the girl who always brought orange Tic Tacs. Usually it's just something simple like cookies.
Some teachers have banned all sweets in class, and the kids can only bring in a healthy birthday snack like carrot sticks. I get where they're coming from, but honestly I think it's rather grinch-y of them. I say let the 1st graders celebrate their birthdays with a dang cookie, not a carrot stick! WDYT about birthday treats at school?
Re: WDYT about birthday treats at school?
It doesn't seem to be happening in DD1's preschool class. No one has brought in birthday treats. I'm actually not even sure if there are rules against it, because it didn't cross my mind since no other parents have done it.
But they don't do snacks during the day, and for in-school class parties, the rules are only raw fruit & veggies that are store-prepared, because of all the allergies/sensitivities/dietary restrictions. So it's not like anybody's going to be bringing in cupcakes or cookies anyway.
I hope when she's older we could do cookies or cupcakes or something. I remember doing it as a kid and loving it.
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
full disclosure- I made cupcakes for Lydia's class on her birthday. All the other kids have August birthdays and all picked a day to celebrate their birthday and bring treats since school wasn't in session for their birthday.
I should say that in the years when I have a kiddo with an allergy, we can't allow homemade treats. My school isn't strict about it though, especially if there isn't anyone with allergies in the class. Even when I do have a student with allergies, the parents of that student will send in safe treats for their child just to be sure they aren't accidentally eating something they shouldn't.
(Also, the teachers who have banned sweet birthday treats have not banned it for allergy reasons. They banned it because they don't want sweets brought in, and they have sent parents away who forgot about the rule and brought in cupcakes.)
I think it is a bit grinchy to make a big deal over it. A snack, even if it is all sugary for a special occassion is fine with me. It is all part of the 'everything in moderation' lesson I think kids should learn.
Allergies are another issue - and I have no problem making accomodations for a child with allergies in a class.
Treats have been brought in a few times to Blake's class for birthdays. I have eliminated dyes from his diet because they seem to turn him into a spaz but I don't worry about the every once in a while treat for a birthday (or when he's at grandma's).
He's an early September birthday so I think I was the first to bring them. I just asked his teachers. They said they preferred store bought-not messy and there is a child with a nut allergy in the class. I searched everywhere and DH finally found some nut-free/not processed with nuts cookies at whole foods that we brought in.
DS 09/08
I like Birthday treats and treats for parties.
J's teacher asks we bring in lollipops instead of cupcakes, cookies, etc b/c it doesn't make a mess she then has to clean up. Still festive, but easier on her.
It's a bit grinchy to ask for no birthday treats at all, IMHO.
My boys always had bday treats during elementary school.
One 4th grade teacher had bday treats on Friday afternoons, so parents would go in on treats together if there were multiple bdays that week.
We've always been able to bring in homemade treats, and they let you know if there are allergies. Often a parent with a kid with allergies will leave some shelf-stable snacks for their kiddo at school just in case someone forgets.
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
Tizzle 10/07 ~ Boppy 7/09 ~ Chicken 1/12
2014 Reading Goal: 85
DS's K class has a no birthday treat rule for his class. there are so many allergies in his class - 20% of them have an allergy to something or another so instead of navigating that minefield she said no treats. they still do stuff to make them feel special and celebrate. I'm okay with that.
his last daycare allowed store bought nut free treats for birthdays.
I agree! Our school has strict rules about it being store bought and nut free because there are allergies within the school and a girl in K's class has pretty severe allergies as well. It's pretty common for the kids to bring in cupcakes or cookies for their birthday. It's not everyday, so I'm okay with it.