I've found a wet spot on the kitchen rug recently and thought nothing of it, and now today on the tile floor in the kitchen I saw a pretty large wet spot. I wiped it up and honestly couldn't tell if it was urine or not, but considering no one was home but the cat, it was in the middle of the floor, and nothing could have dripped or spilled it seems to be the most likely cause.
He has been peeing A LOT since his urinary issues and switching to the prescription food. I'm talking 5-6 times a day and anywhere from the size of my fist to the size of my open hand in terms of clump size. Hes going in the litter box and I'm cleaning it often. We have a follow up appointment at the vet in a few weeks to make sure he's recovered fine.
Knowing now what the symptoms are of the urinary problems I don't think he has it, just think he's peeing a lot and had an accident.
What do you guys think? Is this indicative of another issue?
Re: I *think* Sherlock peed on the floor
I do have a question-- it did not have a strong odor. Is it possible that his urine is diluted? Or maybe it was something else.
I've always heard that cat urine has a strong odor, but this didn't.
Life and Love at #16 | our married life blog
When ever I've experienced cat urine it does smell. Strong. Bad. You know what it is when you smell it...
It could be diluted - not sure about this though. Might want to investigate other causes. Could He have gotten into something? Someone spill something and not realize? Was it rainy/snowy outside?
Life and Love at #16 | our married life blog