So my older daughter seems to get sick very easily. Last yr she had strep like 3 times. This yr she has been with the stomach bug often. Anyway Monday she cries at drop off that she doesn't feel well she hasn't done this in a long time. So I take her and bring her to the dr. She did have a cough which she always has. She was in breathing treatments a week before. So dr look at her and she has a cold. We go home and her throat starts getting horse and raspy, she doesn't eat. During the night she ends up with a fever. She also threw up but I was thinking from the cough. I give her a little juice and five min later she throws it up. Right away I think she has strep. Every time she has strep she vomits a lot. I also feel like I am over reacting. My dh and friend say get her test. I am like we were just there yesterday. She is acting fine this morning but still has a fever
Should I bring her in
Re: WWYD--sick kid
I'd get her treated if she is still running a fever. I'm surprised they didn't just test her right than & there.
Maybe talk w/ her school & see if there is something you can do as far as making sure her hands are cleaned more often. Poor kid.
my kids been sick for like three weeks but no fever. so when he didn't have a fever i wasn't sure what to do.
well i took him back to the ped AGAIN today after being their last friday and the following monday.
he's got an ear infection.
i say call the ped and see what they say. they may just prescribe something. or want to see her for a test. i had strep REALLY bad as an adult. required an er visit i was in so much god damn pain they gave me a morphine drip.(they thought it was an abscess at first) i NEVER mess with strep. she will be in so much pain if it goes untreated and can lead to so many other issues
(my white blood cell count was WAY down) i couldn't eat or drink. and needed two bags of iv fluids. and this was as an adul;t. i can NEVER EVER imagine my kids feeling the way i felt. (cause seriously i thought i was going to die)
i say call the ped.