My sister had to have an emergency C-section Saturday afternoon- high blood pressure, protein in urine, and bad baby heart dcels.. she was almost 35 weeks. Mom and baby are doing fine, she got released tonight, baby (Kaden) 4 lbs 1 oz is going to stay probably 2 weeks...
I already purchased a pretty pricey carseat and stroller travel system to give to her for her shower this Saturday.... I didn't think they let babies leave the hospital under 5lbs (guess I'm dumb and will learn this in my newborn rotation??).. Is she really going to have to buy a special seat? A teacher of mine said he's seen them wedge the baby in the seat with rolled up blankets/towels... The cheapest carseat that accomodates less than 5 lbs that I've seen is the Snugride 30 and some chicco one, but the cheapest is $130 for just the seat, most around $200.
Should I return the travel system I got? Just give it as planned and have them return/exchange it if they want to? Get something else??
Re: Preemie carseat question
Both my nephews were preemies (9 and 7 years ago) For the first one the hospital loaned a car bed and the 2nd my sister was able to order a special insert from the company who made the carseat. I think she had a graco seat.
I would ask your sister what she wants. He may be up to the 5lb weight limit by the time he leaves.
We have the Chicco, for babies 4+ lbs. the travel system is awesome. The carseat has been great - its def worth the extra $.
I hope your nephew can come home soon!
DD was less than 5 pounds when we left.
They advised us to use wash clothes under her in the seat, which got her up to the point where the staps were tight enough. Then we went straight from the hospital to buy a preemie insert as advised that did the trick. It was around 20 dollars, I think.
Lincoln was exactly 5lbs when we left. His chin rested on the chest buckle. We used rolled up hospital blankets on each side of him and around his head, I would NOT buy another seat as the baby is going to grow so quickly it won't be used long enough to be worth it... Hubs had bought a car seat insert to cradle the baby and the hospital wouldn't let us use it. They said nothing behind the baby when they are that small.
I had a preemie, and I work on a Mom/baby unit. With the baby being 4-1 at birth, I wouldn't get another seat either. It is very possible that he'll go home above the 5 lbs mark, or very close to it.
While you cannot add in inserts, there are ways to adjust the fit of a carseat with washcloths. NICU will do a car seat challange, checking the baby's Oxygen levels while in the car seat, before they go home. One of the biggest risks with little babies and car seats is not the straps not being tight enough, but the baby sinking down and cutting off its airway. With the car seat challange, they'll know that before the baby takes his first ride.