My BFF is due March 24 and she just texted me that she was admitted last night with bleeding and apparently, was having contractions. They don't know the cause of the bleeding yet and they are putting her on steroids to relax the muscles and slow down the contractions. I know her OB was worried about her having placenta previa all along - something they've been monitoring..
She's supposed to be realized Saturday morning but we're supposed to be throwing her shower at her aunt's Saturday at 1pm!
I feel like we should try postponing it. If she does come home as planned, I feel like resting at her own home in her own bed is what's best for her... Her aunt is also spending a boatload on catered food...
Re: PG BFF in hosp til Sat. AM - shower is Sat. PM! Any other PG's have this kind of medical scare?
My nephew was at his shower- he was 3 weeks old, my SIL's mom planned it too late in her pg and then he was a little over 3 weeks early- so he was there- sort of-
In this case- I would postpone if you can-
The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011
Oh no - your poor friend! I hope what they are doing postpones delivery for a few more weeks! They must be so worried.
My first roommate at the hospital was hospitalized 2 days before her shower. It went on without her. Her husband went to the party, some guests stopped by after it was over and brought her food and cake from her party.
I wouldn't count on the release date either. I was told I was going to be freed in 24 hours, ended up being released weeks later, after Laura was born.
Laura came to my shower, but it was postponed until she was 10 weeks old and her doctor said her immunity was strong enough for her to be around "strangers."
She told me not to postpone it... I think that's a bad idea.
I'm surprised I haven't received any emails yet from her family and friend who are planning this with me. I guess everyone's just in wait and see mode?? We have an email loop that's been pretty active this whole time. Maybe everyone's afraid to be the one to spill the beans...
Waiting for an update...she said she'd know more later today.
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postpone. she's not going to want to be surrounded by people ect. or at least i wouldn't. AND she's probally going to get put on bed rest and that day will want her rest.
and anything could happen and she might not get released
WOW i hope she is ok! i would call the caterer and see when you would have to cancel or if you could or not