Wondering if any of you have experienced this with your dog. We had our 7 month old male mini schnauzer neutered at the end of December. We did the laser procedure with dissolving stitches. He had no complications immediately afterwards, we kept his cone on for 7 days and he was never the slightest bit interested in licking the area. We also checked the site daily and it seemed to be healing nicely.
Just this week I was rubbing his belly and nopticed a small red bump right next to the site. It looks like a pimple or a blood blister. It doesn't seem to hurt him when I touch it, it's a hard bump and the skin is very soft and pink. I did a little Googling and wonder if it is a reaction to the sutures used? I also wonder if this warrants a vet visit, or if it is something that goes away on its own. Any advice?
Re: Neutering Suture Site Reaction
i would take him in and have the vet check it. Doby's stitches were supposed to dissolve, but a couple of them didn't and they ended up getting ingrown. We had to cut them out, which i'm sure was not fun for him.
That's what I was going to say (suture coming through) but one of my dogs also had an actual suture reaction. Once they were removed, a round of antibiotics as a precaution & couple doses of benadryl & she was good to go.