Did anyone make the switch during a bad sleep regression period? I'm starting to think he may be ready....he's starting to want to walk up to bed instead of us carrying him and asks for a beanie baby that he's newly obsessed with to go to bed with him. He's been sleeping like shiiit for a good month or two now, sometimes waking up 5+x/night. Usually his terrible sleep stages don't last this long, but we are both pretty exhausted and completely over it. I'm just worried that he's going to keep sleeping terrible, and then when he does wake up, get out of bed and then it's going to be a million times worse than it already is. I kind of want to just skip the toddler bed and go right to the full size bed, too. I feel like sometimes he wakes up cause he gets right up against the sides of the crib and bangs his head... UGH I don't know. I always said I'd keep him in there til he started climbing out, and since he's not doing that I don't know if that means he's not ready? I guess I'm making it a big deal in my head cause for some reason I feel like once we switch we can never go back!
And the other issue is that the paci needs to go bye-bye and I don't want to take it away while he's sleeping like shiiiit, nor do I want to take it away during toddler bed transition, so I'm thinking maybe I can get the bed part out of the way, and then work on the paci?
I'm obviously over thinking this, right?
Re: switching to the toddler bed?
Take this with a grain of salt but I think you could try to do both at the same time. Really talk up how big boys sleep in big boy beds (I'd go straight to the full size bed) and don't need pacifiers.
I would get him a book about moving from a crib to a bed. E got an Elmo book about sleeping in a big boy bed that we read every night for a good week before moving him. He was so excited to sleep in his new room. We took his favorite blanket and toys and made a huge deal about how all of his stuff was now in his big boy room. Will he be changing rooms or just taking down the crib and putting up a bed? I think our situation was so easy b/c it was a whole new room decorated specifically for him.
Honestly, worst case is you need to put him back in the crib and try again later.
love is for every her, love is for every him, love is for everyone
I like that idea of both crib and bed. How old was your DS when you did this?
That's what we did too. He slept in the crib the entire time we were converting his new room. His bed was completely assembled and had sheets on it for a few weeks before we moved him. He knew that he would be sleeping in there soon and we'd play, read, etc in his new room to get him used to it.
love is for every her, love is for every him, love is for everyone
Yea, maybe we will just move the crib into the other room, put up the full bed, and if shiiit hits the fan just move the crib back in. Unfortunately there isn't enough room in there to have the crib and the bed up at the same time.
REALLY dumb question..... we are going to want to paint his room because the bedding we bought for the full size bed doesn't go with the walls. If we painted it in the morning, can he sleep in there that night? I would assume not, but I'm trying to figure out the logistics of this...the room that we could move him into would be 5 feet away, so the fumes would probably be in that room too, no?
I would work on the paci, then the bed.
I moved K to a full size bed at 22 months, and only because I was pregnant again and needed to get the crib ready for B. B is now 22 months and I don't plan on moving him until potty training is underway. He sleeps so good in there now, has plenty of room and there isn't a need to move him yet. Probably just after 2 we'll transition to a toddler bed, then move to a full bed.
With K, we had worsening sleep problems after she got used to her full size bed. She would get up and never go to sleep properly. I had to hold the door shut until she'd go to sleep, it was a nightmare. So why ruin a good thing? If he's sleeping like crap now, he will not sleep any better in a full bed IMO. I would work on the paci, once that is gone, then transition the bed. The bed opens up different sleep issues like I mentioned above. Trust, you think sleep issues are bad now, the getting up a million times is way worse!
Pretty much the same age your kiddo is now. #2 was on the way!
We also had some sleeping issues a few months after the transition. Illness played a part, but I a lot of it was just growing and developing. Sounds like it's to be expected around that age. He also went from napping 2-3 hours a day to not napping at all~fun times!! ha!
We recently painted DS's room, and he had to sleep in our room that night. The fumes were horrid.
Yea...I figured it wouldn't be good. I'm looking into that "Zero VOC" paint right now, but it's $$$.
Funny. This has pretty much been exactly my attitude. I have NO desire to potty train. NONE. That will be put off as long as possible...I think I'm just desperate with the sleeping situation at this point that switching to a bed seems like something that may be worth trying since nothing else is making it better. I know it's probably just "the age" or a "phase" or whatever other words us parents use to describe these situations, but FFS it's getting ridiculous. No one told me that my freaking 2 year old would sleep worse at age 2 than as a newborn. I can deal with a week or two of sleep regression, I get that, but two months of waking up all night long is really starting to take a toll on all of us. I just hear people say how their kid started sleeping better once they moved to a bed, and I guess I'm just praying, that by some miracle, I get to be one of the lucky ones.
Wow, I could have written this. We are having a terrible time w/ H and I'm thinking of putting her in a toddler bed.
I thought about buying a toddler bed and putting it in her room and still leave the crib up.
LOL, I know! DD sleeps really well in the crib still, only thing is she's so freakin' TALL. I'm afraid she'll hurl herself over the edge one of these days. We still have her in a Halo sleep sack over her PJs in part because it immobilizes her legs!
thanks to jennied
Not the odd man out, I said the same thing. The problems worsen when they can get out of the bed free will. It's a terrible time, I am leaving B in his crib until he's ready to potty train, probably 2.5 ish.