I had my HcG levels followed until they reached zero and I got my period 8 days after that happened, which seemed normal. What was totally different for me was that for 2 weeks, starting after my period ended, I had cramps that I'd normally experience for the first day or 2 of my period. Today is CD30, and for the past couple of days I have had crampiness on and off and for a bit longer than that, I've had a on-and off soreness in my boobs. I've never had cramps prior to my period starting, but with both pregnancies I had a few days of cramps around the time of my period that turned out to be implantation cramping. I've also never had sore boobs, except for when I was pregnant and one month when I forgot to take my pills for like 3 days and tripled up, lol. I took a pg test this AM and it was negative, which doesn't surprise me since I was hesitant to really try this month with the 2 weeks of post-period cramping, but am wondering if cycles changing and symptoms changing post-miscarriage is relatively normal? I don't love my OB practice, which is why i'm bringing the question here and not to them. Of course if more days go by with no period I will give them a call.
Re: If you had a m/c did your cycles change afterwards?
Mommy to Stephanie Lena - 2.13.07 and Evan Ralph - 9.23.10
Angel Baby (m/c at 9 weeks) - 1.2.09
Christmas Card Picture - 2011
(aka: the only picture I could get of them together that was not blurry and had them both sitting still!)
Click here for My Bio
The Stephanie Song...click here to listen!
First, I'm really very sorry you're going through this.
I've unfortunately been through it four times. Cycles never changed but could it be possible you're pg again and just too early to show?
Semdkm, I wish I were pg again, but it was my expereince with my first 2 pregnancies that once the crampiness started I had a positive test. My gut is telling me it's not a pregnancy but a weird cycle. I will test again in a few days if my period has not shown up.
I am very sorry that you have gone through this 4 times
BFP #2: 11/16/11: M/C at 7 weeks
BFP #3: 03/24/12: C/P 03/28/12
BFP #4: 04/26/12: please be our baby
I'm so sorry. I totally understand as I'm going through it all now too.
After my D&E this past summer the time between my periods got longer. I asked my dr and she said that its normal for the body to 'reset itself' she didn't seem to indicate that its a bad thing.
Hugs! :-)
My first period after my m/c was so odd that I honestly don't know if it could even count as a period. The next month I was PG and I had to basically say "I have no idea what my last period counts as". i felt like an idiot, but they did an u/s to date it. The u/s didn't really meet up with the "period" I had. So who the frick knows.
And sorry you are going through this.
It's funny you're asking this because I'm all f--ked up! I had a period about 3 wks after m/c. Then on Tuesday I started spotting, only 23 days later. I've always been really really regular. I spot for a day or 2, then a day later AF. (I'm thinking it should be here tomorrow).
After my M/C experience, I am definitely changing OB/Gyn practices and I don't feel like I have anyone to really talk to about this yet either. UGH!
Hope things are okay!