Danny has puked so many times I've lost count. He started around 7:30. Poor kid is now puking up bile. He'll sleep on the couch for an hour or so and then wake up screaming in pain before throwing up. Then it take a half hour to calm him down and get him to fall back asleep. And then an hour later, it all starts again.
DH brought Danny's mattress down to put on the living room floor and I'll be sleeping there.
I just hope Alex doesn't get sick too. I think I'm going to send Alex to MIL's to keep him away from the germs, especially since I'm most likely going to need to take Danny to the pedi tomorrow. I'm going to call the pedi in the AM and see if they want me to come in or not.
Re: gonna be a long night
i hope you're all doing okay today!
i agree- it's usually passed to everyone BEFORE everyone gets sick. last time, we all had it within hours of the other.
Alex is home with me too. He has very loose, almost liquid BMs. I'm not sure it it's the bug or drooly teething poop especially since he's not cranky or anything,
Danny hasn't thrown up in several hours and is down keeping down liquids. He's very clingy and whiny though. Hopefully the worst is over with him. I didn't call the pedi since neither has a fever and there's really nothing the pedi can do for a stomach bug.
This bug has been running RAMPANT!! We all (all 4 of us!) just got over it, and my friend now has it,a nd a few kids at daycare.
I hope he feels better!!!!