I need some help. As you may or may not recall I worked for a small business until late March last year when they basically sold off everything and dropped the employees. The company still exists but has no employees and the parent company exists with like 2 people.
In 2010 I collected temp disability through the state. I also collected one or 2 days in 2011. My 2010 W2 didn't show the disability and since the one "payroll" guy had never dealt with this before (he's not really an HR person but when you only have a handful of employees....) I ended up having to make a bunch of calls. All were useless as no one will help me since I'm not the employer. I did manage to get him, ADP, and the state to communicate and sort of fix it. I ended up with 2 W2s instead of one correct one.
Well, I just got my w2 for 2011 and not surprisingly it doesn't have the sick pay on it.
And their response was "call ADP". Of course, ADP is like "your not the employer...
Anyway, can you tell me what the "payroll guy" that still works for the parent company needs to do? I don't really know how we fixed it last year and if I wait for him to figure it out it'll take forever since he doesn't really care since the company is essentially gone.
Re: payroll/hr girls
The state would have sent him a "disability report" for end of year with all of the employees that collected that year. He could easily just send that into his rep at ADP and they can correct your W-2 and send you a new one. It's not rocket science even if he's not really an HR guy! I'm sorry you have to deal with that!!!!
No, they were paid in 2011. Actually I probably got paid for some 2010 days in 2011 too.
I think the issue is that last year we never got the end of year statement and I'd bet this year its sitting in a forwarded mailbox somewhere -- assuming it got forwarded. It wasn't exactly as well run ship.
At least now I know what to tell him to look for. Thanks.
NP - you can also tell him to call the NJ state disability office - and request an end of year (2011) statement. They will get it to him in about a week, usually...(or might even fax it to him)...
(609) 292-7060
might make it easier, and make him more willing to do it if he doesn't have to search
Thank you.