I went to the gyn at lunch to talk to her about maybe having PCOS. The thought started as a random conversation with a friend about my weight, and I went to look for articles on it.
I printed off symptom checklists from different sites, double and triple checked that my symptoms were located on every list, etc. I went in there armed with info.
I think as soon as I started talking about the weight gain stuff, she dismissed me as someone just trying to justify my weight. You could just see the "whatever" smirk come across her face. Everything I listed could be explained another way, according to her. She also said that it really wouldn't do much good to pursue it now because we aren't TTC.
By the end, I was given another sampler birth control pack and told that weight watchers has great success.
I'm so upset. I've never EVER had a doctor dismiss me like that. How can 6 different symptoms be pushed aside like that?
I need a drink. stat.
Re: I don't think my doctor was listening to me.
I'd go find another doctor. I'm afraid to say that you are going to run into this a lot when it comes to treating PCOS. There really isn't a specific treatment for it, they really only treat the symptoms that they can treat. Sadly one of the most prominent symptom is difficulty TTC.
I've struggled with a PCOS diagnosis since I was 16. When I started putting on weight in my 20s all the doctors would say to me is "if you lost some weight honey you would have regular periods" no one ever bothered to ask if I had regular periods when I was thin.
I didn't have success with WW and losing weight. What worked for me was counting calories and exercise. For the first time in years I'm losing weight.
I'd recommend that you continue your reading up on PCOS, find another doctor and actually being on the pill can help with some of your symptoms. Find a good Endocrinologist there are quite a few that specialize in PCOS and it's treatment and in the event you do ever want to have a child you'll be in much better position.
Best of luck
oh no, I am sorry that your physician treated you that way...that is unacceptable!!!! I would be finding a new GYN (or even better an RE) and also filing a complaint/grievance with the clinic that you were seen in.
IMHO, I would absolutely want to get the PCOS under control as much possible as early as possible. I wish I had figured mine out way before we started TTC...would have helped us not waste a good 12 months of trying.
PAIF and SAIF welcome. IVF questions welcome, too.
I have PCOS and I was undiagnosed for years, since I have endometriosis, they just figured I was having symptoms of that.
I finally had to request a vaginal ultrasound. They use a large wand to go in vaginally and ultrasound your cysts. They agreed to do it after I requested it and found that I have 20+ cysts on each of my ovaries (internally & externally).
I highly urge you to request this and if they deny it, tell them you would like a referral to another Dr. (this should get them going, they hate losing patients). Worst part about PCOS is that if you have internal cysts on your ovaries, once they get to a certain size they burst and they hurt SOOOO bad.
Also, I found that being on DepoProvera was one of the only things that controlled my pain and growth of cysts. I am off of it now, because we are trying to get prego, but I miss it. B/C pills just do not cut the pain for me.
Good Luck, just remind your Dr, that you should not have to suffer with pain or weight ifyou do not want to.
Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions. I'd be happy to answer anything you need!