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Honda - Oil Change ?

I have an accord and we always have it serviced at the dealership.  My oil change indicator light just came on and I'm wondering if it would be cheaper to take it somewhere else.  Can I take the car to a Jiffy Lube or a gas station instead of the dealer?  Am I correct to expect that it will be less $$?

Re: Honda - Oil Change ?

  • I never have my cars serviced at dealership - I take it to my local garage and I think it's $35 for lube, oil, filter.... Definitely less!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • i've always gone to jiffy lube or the local repair shops and my oil changes are fine.  no need to do something simple like that at the dealer!
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickersBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I've never had a honda but I've never had oil changes at the dealer until this car. I only go to the dealer now because they give free oil changes 
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
  • Always took my car to the dealer for oil changes.  $25 and it included a car wash.  My new car has free oil changes for life, so it's definitely going to the dealer.
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