With Valentine's Day around the corner there are quite a few flower shops hiring part time help to cover for the holiday. Basically I would go in, design for them for the week and be done. Part of my event business is doing wedding flowers. I don't sell in a shop type setting and my events don't really start up until May. I'm considering applying for a few of these temp jobs for some extra cash given our financial situation after DH was laid off.
If you were a business owner and someone who was super qualified but owned a business in the same industry applied for temporary work to help you out, would you consider it unethical? I would be upfront but I don't want to put anyone out by even applying.
Re: Is it ethical?
Spirit of Power
Eat, Drink, and be Keri
PAIF and SAIF welcome. IVF questions welcome, too.
This. DH. SIL, and myself all worked for a company, rhymes with Shmares for a few years and when they hire temps all they care about is how fast you can produce and if you're willing to work long days and sometimes nights.
Ha, isn't that the truth, I don't miss the holiday rushes with the boring dozen rose arrangements over and over again. I personally hate them and prefer more unique arrangements but the men of the world will always go with what they know. Baby's breath, leather leaf and red roses, ugh.
Spirit of Power
Eat, Drink, and be Keri