I am due this Sunday and my doctor ultimately won't let me go past 41 weeks. I've had absolutely no progress or labor symptoms at all so things aren't looking too promising. I was given the choice of scheduling dates for induction for next week and I chose to go in this Tuesday night (1/31) to start things off. But I'll only be 40w2d. But if I wait until next Thursday or over the weekend, I'll have to deliver with a male on-call doctor that is new to the practice and who I've never seen before. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I chose this OB practice because it was all women and have always been seen by women. After 9 months of getting to know all the doctors, I really don't want to deliver with a random doc, even though I know they are only really present for a short portion of the delivery.
Another reason for choosing the earlier date is that SIL is supposed to be OOT next weekend and she is our backup support person (for both me and DH!) and our only family in town. And she is off work next Thursday and Friday so she'll definitely be around to help out and to take our dogs while we're in the hospital Tuesday night through probably Friday.
So I told them at work that today would be my last day as I'm not coming in Monday or Tuesday and will use the time to prepare. But I really was hoping to go into labor on my own and wanted to avoid induction. So now I wonder if I'm making the wrong decision by scheduling it too soon. We asked our doc at my appointment today what she would do and she is more in favor of inducing sooner than later (even though it's not for any medically necessary reason). I'm just not sure how I feel about that. DH, of course, loves knowing when this baby will finally arrive. Me, I'm just hoping that I'll still go on my own sometime in the next four days.
I'm just curious what other Nesties would do in this situation or if you have any positive induction stories to share! I just need some reassurance! Thanks.
Re: Induction Scheduled but Now Second Guessing Decision
Spirit of Power
Eat, Drink, and be Keri
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
The only thing that would concern me is if you aren't favorable for induction (cervix is hard and closed). I was favorable and was all about it, I had one scheduled for 39w but LO had other plans and came at 37w6d. I was technically induced since after my water broke I didn't contract on my own and I had a great induction experience. I was
Because she came on her own, my dr was of course not on call. The on call doc that weekend was the male dr from another practice that I never met. I selected my practice as well because it's all women. I was so upset when I got to triage and asked who was on call and it was the male doc. Well, I ended up having a wonderful experience with him. So much so that I said the other day that if we have another, I may switch to his practice and have him be my dr.
I had a lot of anxiety about the dr and honestly when the time comes you won't getter a hoo at who is down there delivering the baby. At that point you are just so excited and anxious to meet your little one. It's all a blur (:
Ditto this. I scheduled an induction for 41w (a Monday) but over the weekend I decided against it. They had me come in for monitoring on Monday and my fluid was really low so they decided the induction was medically necessary that evening. As soon as I left the appointment I started having contractions and by the time I went in to the hospital that night I just needed cervadil to kickstart active labor. I say follow your gut.
Thanks for your responses. It's not that I'm completely against induction (since I'm planning to get an epi anyhow), but I wonder if doing it at only 40d2w is too preemptive, especially since I'm not dialated or effaced or anything. It just seems like the induction will be harder if nothing has progressed at all naturally and that could leave me with a higher chance of a C-section. But I've already given notice at work and mentally checked out with the start of my maternity leave yesterday so now part of me doesn't want to postpone and sit around and wait until next weekend. DH's take is that if there's no progess when we go on in Tuesday night, who's to say that anything will or won't change by waiting until later next weekend. In his mind, what's 5 days? Although 5 days could mean a lot by waiting. So I'm doing what I can to try and get things going on my own, even though I know most are OWTs to induce labor and things will only start if and when baby is ready to go. But it can't hurt right and maybe I'll get lucky and go on my own. I think I'll mull things over this weekend and see how I feel on Monday and maybe call and see what our other options are. And here I've been convinced for the past month that I'd go early and wouldn't have to deal with any of this!
Married July 21, 2007
My experience was similar, except that I really did not want to have an induction. I faced heavy pressure from the obstetrician when I went to 41 weeks. At my insistence we monitored for a week past my due date. I finally caved in and had the induction. The experience of being pressured and stressed out by the doctor was one I never hope to repeat, but the induction went fine for both DS and me, and I didn't need a c-section like I feared I would. I would caution that induced contractions come very close together and are super painful from the start, so you may end up asking for an epidural, even if you don't plan to have one. Like WonderRed, I never planned on natural childbirth, though, so that wasn't a problem for me.