My cat is rather ... special. She is an only cat and indoor only. She is a devon rex kitty with some past health issues like herpes in her eye, anxiety, urine crystals and a very touchy belly. We can tell if she's getting ill because she really slows down and gets pretty lethargic.
She started having poop accidents a few days ago which we didn't think too much of because it happens about once a month. Then it happened again.. and again and then today we found pee. She has only peed outside her box maybe 5 times in the 6 years I have had her.
I am starting to wonder if she has some anxiety issues toward her box and I am wondering what my next steps should be. Here are some of the options I am considering. 1. kitty prozac which we have already 2. a new litter box by the places she keeps going potty 3. ignore the situation and since she did poop in the box tonight 4. combo of 1 and 2.
She saw the vet a month ago and will probably be going there in a week for boarding (plus dental and blood work). I am not against taking her to the vet but she is *not* acting sick like she normally has in the past. She is active, running around, playing and never misses a meal.
Re: Litter box problems
I wouldn't ignore it.
When she goes into the vet in a week, maybe her prozac dose needs to be adjusted and they can give her a "once over" to make sure everything is 100%
The litter box in accident areas is a good idea for now - until a cause is known.
I would still keep and eye out, you never know - this could be a "new" sign of her getting sick...
I'm sorry to hear she's having problems. What are you feeding her?
I would move her vet visit up, and have them check her for a UTI.
I would also look in our FAQs in the green banner of the pets board and read through litter box resources.
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Oh yes - this is a possibility - if it suddenly made a loud noise or something while she was using it - totally could have freaked kitty out.
Could you try a "regular" box for a few days?
5 cats. 1 baby.