I need advise on how to fix this. The smell is soooo bad I cant stand sitting next to the dog, it makes me want to throw up.
We have a 5month old golden, he started getting his adult teeth a few weeks ago, and his top and bottom canines just showed up a week ago. Not sure if the smell is related to the teething process but it coincided. His gums around the erupting teeth are red and a little swollen. We brush his teeth (well I should say we started brushing his teeth regularly just a week ago).
He used to be on Wellness Core but had the most awful smelling farts that makes you want to leave the room. So we switch to TOTW and the gas is somewhat bearable, I am considering switching once this the bag is done to see if we can find one that will stop the gas (Any advise on this too?). His poop is firm and regular goes 2-3 times a day (we are still feeding him 3 times a day).
The smell is fishy (maybe a little metallic, although it is really hard to explain), but have checked and no leakage in the bum area, tried wiping that, nothing there. Could be the anal glands? But I read that is mostly a problem with soft poop. But his are always firm (very firm I should say) since we switch to grain free 2 months now. His breath does smell this way too!
Help...I love puppy kisses and cuddling with him. He is now sleeping by my feet while I type this and the smell is making me nauseous! We've had this problem for about a month now and it is killing us. We gave him a bath when we first noticed the smell thinking maybe he needed one, but it is still there!
Edit: just in case this was alittle confusing. The gas smell and the stinky fishy smell is different. We can tell when it is gas. The fishy smell is either coming from his mouth or his butt. I tried wiping his butt and smelling it (eeek I know!) and did not smell it so I am not sure if its is coming from there too!
Re: stinky dog!
I was hoping it was the teething but the fishy smell had me worried and the thought of anal sacs was not fun. His canines just started coming out and I think he has 2-3 empty sockets left, otherwise I think all the adult teeth have either fully come out or are in the process.
Do I keep brushing his teeth? the last time we brushed we caused some bleeding so we are not sure if we should keep going on that.
It probably seems fishy to you because it often smells metallic from the blood and the baby teeth falling out. Make sure you check your puppy's mouth that you don't have any adult teeth coming in next to a baby tooth that has yet to fall out. This is a problem because only one tooth can occupy a space at a time and teeth will come in crooked if there is a retained deciduous tooth.
I did brush teeth when my puppy was teething but I was careful and a little more gentle than how I would be with adult teeth if they were sensitive. You can avoid brushing areas if there are lose teeth.
Our husky had the same thing. It was down right nasty. Fortunately, she grew out of it.