We really would like to get new laminate floors downstairs, but we also have a little boy who likes to occasionally throw things like trucks and other heavy toys. I didn't hear what ended up happening with Kreepers floors.
So, if you have floors you like that can handle toddler abuse please let me know what they are. Also, if they were less than $5 a square foot you get bonus points. I'm trying to budget for this late this year.
Dx: PCOS and short luteal phase
18 cycles (3 with our RE) - Metformin + Clomid + HCG booster did the trick!
BFP #1 6/22/09 EDD: 3/2/10 DS born: 3/8/10
TTC #2 since Dec 2011
BFP #2 7/8/12 EDD: 3/18/12 M/C @ 9w1d: 8/16/12
Re: Recommend your laminate floor
The face of Kitty-Hate
They're supposed to be replacing 100sf, but they are DRAGGING their feet. Which makes me think I'm going to end up fighting it.
Cooper has also dropped more things from his height and chipped the floors. He dropped DHs keys a few weeks ago - from 3 feet up - and they chipped. Total bullsh!t, he didn't throw them hard, he just dropped them.