He's making progress, albeit slow. He still is dealing with a lot of pain, but is improving his walking and standing. I'm concerned that he's still taking morphine for his pain. They tried him on oxy this week and he said he was miserable and it didn't do anything for him. He doesn't have to wear his back brace in bed or when he's only sitting in his chair, just when he's up now.
He finally came clean to me today about my stepmom. Up til now, everything I had heard was from her. I knew she had spent him dry, but I didn't know he cashed in life insurance policies and 401Ks. I can't feel horrible about it because he chose to marry her and stay married to her even when he saw how she used him, but now he has nothing. Worse yet, he has no place to stay when he gets out of the rehab center and his credit is shot. He was always the epitome of financial responsibility, so all of this is completely out of character for him.
He also went into detail about her addiction. He said he kept track and up until the day he went to the hospital she had drank 41 days straight. That included 2 bottles of wine EVERY night after work. She also takes prescription drugs for pain, and of course mixes them with alcohol. He said one time they were at a dinner with other couples and she passed out in the middle of dinner.
So, physically he's improving slowly, but emotionally I can't see things improving for a while.
Thanks again for all your juju along the way.
Re: Dad update
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
Holy cow, we're going to have a little sister!!