I *think* someone may have posted something like this recently but I'm too lazy to go back to look for something that may or not be there..
Anywho, we've noticed that Brielle has a lot of dried bloody boogers. I guess its not a "true" bloody nose where its running out but Saturday she needed to nap but wouldnt so we did CIO. When MH went to go get her he said there was blood on her face and when I wiped her nose there was a good amount. I dont if it was worse b/c she was crying..?
At times when her nose runs, there will be traces of some bright red.
We have a well visit coming up but not for over a month. Anyone elses baby have this? Its not dry in her room at night by any means since I have the humidifier on every night.
Re: Bloody nose in toddler?
The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011
M will get bloody noses all winter long. We have a humidifier. Also the doc told use to use a Q-tip to but vaseline up there when it gets bad.
Now that he is older he understands its because his nose is dry and he's pretty good at taking care of it himself.