Today Dakota and Jasper were playing outside. Dakota tripped, but seem fine and we continued playing.
Soon, we noticed a bit of blood in her foot prints, upon closer investigation we noticed she had broken a nail. Nothing I think is major (H is concerned and is google-ing like a nut, so he's paranoid). The nail tip seems to have broken off (kinda still attached, but by a hair) and I honestly think it's just the quick that is "cut" as if her nail was clipped too short.
Do you guys think this warrants a vet visit (H's thinks so, but again, he's paranoid with all the google-ing he's doing) or should I just get some quickstop?
She seems fine, no limping or whining, no licking at her foot. We did cover it with a bit of gauze and an old sock so it doesn't bleed on the carpet.
Re: Nail Problem?