After contemplating my scheduled induction all weekend and not feeling very confident with my decision to go in this Tuesday, I called this morning and spoke with another doctor at the practice. She agreed that 40w2d might be a bit premature since I've had no progress at all. Since I haven't had any complications, she didn't think it would be bad to wait until Sunday night, at 41w, to induce if nothing happened on its own before then. So I go in for a NST and a fluid check on Thursday just to make sure everything is OK with baby. Once I decided to push it back a few days, I felt so much better and knew I had made the right decision. At least I'll know I waited as long as they'd let me go and didn't rush into anything. And since I already gave notice to start my maternity leave today, I have the whole week at home to get ready, assuming baby doesn't come before Sunday. DH and I were even joking that we could still make SIL's Super Bowl party since we'll have to drop our dogs off at her place before we head to the hospital by 8 pm.
Re: Update to Scheduled Induction
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
Holy cow, we're going to have a little sister!!
Are you united with the CCOKCs?
Ditto! Enjoy your time off! I'll be doing that next week and am sooooo looking forward to sleeping in!