3 weeks later, I agree to babysit a friends' 12 week old kitten for 2 weeks during the holidays. She adopted the kitten off the streets, but he was UTD for vaccines.
1 week into the friend's kittens stay, I get a couple bites. I think they are spider bites. Small papules, some of them look fluid filled. On my back and along my breast.
Kitten leaves, I start getting MORE bites. and freaking out. Cleaning like a crazy person, inspecting DH's naked body. He has no bites.
this morning, what, 6 weeks later?? We BOTH wake up with clusters of
bites. Both cats DID sleep with us the night prior, including kitten who
usually does not. I completely lost my $hit, we checked every nook and
cranny and there is definitely no sign of bed bugs. I've seen bed bug
bites in clinic, and they are definitely bigger and meaner looking than
what we have:
They look exactly like this:
calming down and putting on my thinking cap and doing some research,
I'm suspecting "Cheyletiella"or a common type of cat lice... Which IS
what is pictured above. I call the friend whose cat I babysat, send her
the pic and ask her if she has bites like that she replies, "No, but my
girlfriend does... they look just like that... but it's just because
she's allergic to cats."
I'm calling the vet first thing in the morning... but I've got the biggest case of the friggly wigglies of my life.
Re: XP: Bites at night- Cheyletiella or cat lice??
And one more piece of info for you detectives out there; Kitten is STILL battling his URI.. He is on his 4th antibiotic. First augmentin, then doxycycline, then an injectible of some sort, now day 4 of azithromycin.... I wonder if A) his immune system is too busy fighting off something else (like lice) or
the lice (if that's what it is) could have colonized his nose?
He hasn't had a fever- just horrible stuffy nose, occasional bright green goo.
<a href="http://s15.photobucket.com/albums/a373/melindacromwell/?action=view
Lysol. Lots of Lysol until you know what it is...
Are they pimple like bites? I can't really tell from the picture...
<a href="http://s15.photobucket.com/albums/a373/melindacromwell/?action=view
Could bed bugs still be an option? Did you check the mattress (along the seams?)
I only ask because I stayed at a hotel once and 2 weeks later had bed bug bite (and I FREAKED out). They looked very similar...and very pimple like. I thought they were pimples at first, but when more started to appear and were itchy I knew they weren't.
Dust mites don't bite, so it's not that...has to be some kind of bug/lice.
<a href="http://s15.photobucket.com/albums/a373/melindacromwell/?action=view
Took Ernie to the vet- he had a LOT of dandruff, but nothing visible under magnification or wood's lamp... A swab of the ear showed "questionable" results for ear mites... possible droppings and an odd odor??
We cleaned the sheets and bedroom thoroughly and kicked the cats out for the last 3 nights... NO bites.
Both kitties are also being treated for 3 months with Revolution.
Hope this does the trick!
<a href="http://s15.photobucket.com/albums/a373/melindacromwell/?action=view