i'm sorry for all my whining and complaining lately but the stress is getting overwhelming. i was functioning with the unemployment but now with my brother's situation i'm not doing well again. on top of it all you would never know by my responsibility load that my husband is home-and hasn't left the house in a week. i still get up every morning with the kids, feed them 3 meals, give them baths, cook dinner, run laundry....sure he's helped fold A load of laundry, and picked up the house a little but i'm still dragging both kids out of the house every day. and he's sleeping till at least 9 am every day when my kids are up at 6-6:30.
at first i chalked it up to him being stressed and depressed. now i'm over it. i'm stressed too and i need a break. just a little help, just giving one bath, just an offer to let me leave chloe home when i take trevor to school.....something. i'm ready to lose it on him but i just know that it'll make things worse. must. breathe.
Re: i need to vent before i crack
(((HUGS))) you've gotten more than your fair share lately and for that I am so sorry.
As for the H, I'd just announce. "OK I'm taking Trevor to school now, I'm leaving Chloe here, she's eaten Xxx and is doing xxx. I'll be back in a while." (or if that won't fly) "H can I please leave the kids with you while I go shopping?" I wouldn't wait for him to offer (much as you'd like him too) it seems to be some dumb man thing, I WOULD start asking though bf you loose it on him.
Good Luck and hang in there! G
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I remember you posting this a while back too that he's on the couch while you do everything. You need to say something right away. Its only going to get you more angry and you will explode.
Just try to tell him calmly and firmly that you understand he's going through a hard time but if he's going to be home, he needs to help you. It's both of your house, both of your kids, etc. It will help him stay functional instead of falling into a 'woe is me' funk. Maybe ask him to do the same three things every day, give the kids a bath, make lunch and one other thing. Take turns waking up in the mornings, something. His sitting on the couch and sleeping is would not fly with me for more than a day.
I agree. you need to talk to him. He probably figures you take care of it all every day so why should his being there get in your way of your routine.
is he job seaching? i know that ken when he got laid off was job searching NON stop. and job searching now is not as easy. they require you to fill out these online forms that are basically re inputting your resume.
as long as he's doing that. then i'd say give him a break. if not tell him to get his butt up and either look for a job or help out
but seriously you need to talk to him. losing your job is HUGE. ken's been laid off twice and its a really hard thing to handle
That's good that you are assigning things for him to do, because he probably would walk around clueless otherwise. Just keep on talking to him calmly to reinforce the fact that 1 day of helping or a couple token gestures here an there are not enough. Things are different and you both need to establish what his priorities are while he's home.
Mom to Teagan 4.11.07 and Cora 9.30.11
D&E @ 22w 9.30.09 CMV infection BFP 10.15.10 C/P 4w4d
i missed the part about your brother. i am really sorry. my dad was sick and in the hospital when ken lost his job. so i know what its like to be going through stuff while your dh is in a tough situation. having two life situations li ke taht SUCKS and i am sorry
talk to him. sometimes they are just clueless. trust me. im sorry about your brother
when he was working, did he pitch in on the weekends?
i can certainly see saying - hey, you had a week to sulk, grieve, stress, etc - time's up. when i take trevor to school, you got chloe for an hour. you'll food shop or watch the kids while i do it. etc - start laying out what you want help with, what can be shared - what you need.
also, is he laying on the couch all day or is he looking for a job?
when I was out of work, looking for a job was a full time job in itself. On the days I had Genevieve in school I was at my computer applying for jobs and making calls 8 hours a day.
i agree, you need to talk to him. dont let your feelings eat you up. i know he is depressed and feeling down on himself (mh was the same way when he lost his job) but its not an excuse when you have kids..
I would wait until tonight when the kids are asleep to have a talk w DH. I would make it a conversation about how this is something you are going through together and try to figure out how you can help take some of the stress off of eachother during this difficult time. I know you want to kick his a**, but unfortunately men don't respons how we want when we do that.
Sending tons of prayers to you and your family. Hang in there.
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
Wry lost his job in the post 9/11 economy dip and, as a man it emasulated and devastated him. We had been married one year, Liam was 6 months old, I was working two jobs (still do). It was a tough time for us and at times we doubted that we would make it through but we did and came out stronger.
He was depressed and depressed people sleep and lack energy. I was scared. Money (specifically the lack of it) has always been a huge fear for me. What worked for us was to first admit what our fears were. We got tehm out and realized that we were a unit and needed to work together.
Next we started a new routine. I had always gotten up, dressed Liam and dropped him off to dacare because I went past it on my way to work. I stopped dropping him off and let Wry do it. It got him up, dressed and on the road and feeling like he had something to do. For him, routine and a schedule that had pourpose were key.
Then we sat down and looked at what had to be done and divided the work fairly. Wry did the drop off and I the pick up. He did the laundry and I the cooking. I scheduled Liam's appointments and classes, he took him to them and so on.
It was a long 9 months but we got through it and you can too. Marriage = work and the best way to work is to communicate.
That's really good! You are human and need a break as well...You will get through this and be stronger for it. Positive thoughts and prayers to you.