So, the humane society confirmed that they have two of the bridge cats. Still not sure which ones.
They are going to alter them, and then I can either take them and find homes, or they will keep them and adopt them out.
My type A personality makes me want to do it myself, and then they wouldn't be sitting in a shelter waiting to be adopted. The rational part of me knows that this is a good facility and they have more experience than me re: adopting out cats.
I know a rescue that can courtesy list for me if I decide to do it.
<a href="" title="Home D
Re: Okay, tell me what to do...
Yikes! I know nothing about feral cats, but am a fellow Type A personality. My two thoughts are:
You have so much on your plate that if you can trust them to do a good job in adopting them out, then it would be an excellent opportunity to delegate, considering how much work you still have to do for the rest of the cats.
But, really, I think their success depends a lot of which cats they have. Did they get truely feral ones, that need one-on-one work before being adopted, or did the get recently dumped house cats that have a chance at working with a family without fostering at an experienced house first?
Maybe you can let them give it a shot at adopting these cats out and make some sort of agreement that if it becomes clear that they need to foster first, they would call you?
Well said I think. We need more details before giving you the verdict.
My contact at the humane society said they are two of the friendly ones. The person who picked them up to take them to the shelter literally picked them up.
So they're adoptable as they are.
Delegation is a good idea. I need to repeat that to myself several times a day. lol
<a href="" title="Home DYes! Delegate!!
You always have the option later to take another house cat type from the colony if you suddenly have a burning desire to foster.
It really sounds like these two are adoptable and will be totally fine there.
You have a big heart
I would elave them where they are, but take it upon myself to do pictures and bios, and ask to be put as the euthanasia contact (this is how we wound up with two of our fosters; we got first dibs if anything happened). If they're there for any significant period of time you can always offer to foster for the shelter.
I think this is great advice. I am also a fellow Type A, so I can understand wanting to be in charge, but perhaps taking on some of the responsibility re: bio, pictures, euthanasia contact would make you feel more involved without giving you ALL the responsibility. There are a lot of other kitties in "your" colony who sound like they need you more, so if these are really two of the friendly ones I'd go ahead and let the humane society deal with them for now.
Thank you!
I did decide to let them adopt them out through the VHS. You all are right, they have more resources and experience, not to mention I already don't have enough time in my day.
But I am going to be the euthanasia contact in case anything comes up.
And they're going to go ahead and start fixing all the tame cats and start adopting them out. That way they'll just have to catch the truly feral ones on Spay Day.
So yay!
<a href="" title="Home DI was going to suggest something similar. I think this a great idea.
Yay! This sounds like the best of both worlds. Keep up your good work with the wild guys!