I think I just need to get some frustrations out.
I'm completely overwhelmed at work and I think it is affecting my whole outlook. Ugh. There are a lot of things going on that are out of my control and I am doing the best I can to keep up, but it just feels like we are attacked every time I turn around. That and we have an overwhelming amount of things to take care of and accomplish this year, with a lot of "holes" in our organization from people who have left, been terminated, out on leave etc. Lately I've really been questioning whether this is the right fit for me long-term, as there seems to be no career progression, and just a lot of scrutiny on everything I do, despite me trying to bring issues to the forefront at every step of the way.
On top of this, I received a fb email from one of my brother's friends this weekend (very concerned, asking what he can do to get brother some help). Apparently, 4.5 short months after being hospitalized for a brain injury/skull fracture, he again fell down the steps and cracked open his head, requiring 10 staples. Oh and the cops had to restrain him b/c he was so combative and refused to go to the hospital. Lovely. Just another night of drinking for him. My parents have yet to tell me anything, but I guess I did make it pretty clear to them that I was cutting him out and was not interested in being a part of his life until he accepted that he has a problem and did something to correct it.
Okay, any words of help/inspiration, or just a supportive "that sucks", would be greatly appreciated from my nestie friends. Thanks ladies.
Re: vent/overwhelmed
I think you need a scrapbooking night.
I feel like you've been questioning your career direction for a while and it may be time to consider other otpions. The stress is not good for your or the baby, so hang in there until the baby comes, then determine your direction.
I'm sorry you are going through this and your brother issues don't help. I'm always around if you want to chat!
I, too, feel like sometimes nothing ever goes right. It all piles up (dogpiles, good word Julie!) and then it just kind of explodes.
I'm also really sorry to hear about your brother/parents. Such a toxic situation and you're in a really tough spot.
I still think you're doing the right thing.
Oh man L, that does suck. I'm really sorry that you're having both work stress/frustration as well as major issues happening with your brother
One alone would be enough cause to vent and feel overwhelmed.
I don't know that there is anything to say re: work - is it the kind of thing where you could try to establish a timeline of how/when to start looking elsewhere? Maybe that could give you some hope, to know that by X date you will be taking X step....
It's good that friends are recognizing issues with your brother enough to reach out to his family....maybe that's the first thing that might turn things around, if they stop going along with his actions and enabling him?
Sorry!! I know it might be something of a quick fix, but is there a time where you can have space to your self. I need to take a "mental" health day soon and go get a pedicure, massage, etc and maybe that well help lift your spirits for a bit?
I spoke with thef riend last night and encouraged him to reach out to my parents directly. It will be much better if they start hearing from his friends, as opposed to me, since it is easier to just yell at me and hang up the phone. I think they'll have to start listening if his lifelong friends say they are going to distance themselves from him and that they believe he needs rehab too. I've already told them this.
However, if he doesn't contact them (which he told me he was going to think about and let me know, and there is one other friend that is thinking of doing the same thing), then I plan to copy the fb email and send it to them.
So, you and I think a lot alike smiles
Yes and no. I liked the work better. But the hours/client development are far worse. In my current job, I have guaranteed workflow (way too much, but it's better than scraping for work as a partner I guess), and I also have a guaranteed 6 figure salary. And thereinlies my greatest dilemma. It's like having golden handcuffs. And I know some people will say stop b*tching, but I honestly can't go into details on a public board about all that I am facing at my job which would add color to the reason for feeling so overwhelmed.
This and a wine night. Oh wait.
This is a good thought. I know I'm here through at least maternity leave though, b/c I need the FMLA protection. So I can't even start looking for something else until post-maternity leave. Unless during the interview process the potential employer put a job offer in writing that included guaranteed job/salary protection I guess.
Good answer. Hang in there!
Also, I dont know if I ever formally congratulated you on your pregnancy.. I noticed it way after it was posted.. so congrats mama!
((hugs)) I hope life lightens up a little more in the near future. Hang in there.
(I almost wrote "Hang in there pumpkin", I call E "pumpkin" all the time).