Hey girls! Just thought I'd pop in to see how everyone is doing
Since last I posted, we moved to Katy! We have an amazing house that we've had so much fun unpacking and organizing. Our neighbors are all super fun...we even have a young couple with a 3 yr old and a 4 month old that lives two houses down that are winos like us!! I can't wait to start entertaining, as soon as this little girl is born!
Speaking of which, the little miss is due to be born next Tuesday!! She has been threatening to come out sooner with a lot of preterm labor, but the docs have been able to stop it everytime. I spent alot of time in December in L&D on monitors and various meds. I basically had to bust myself out of L&D on Christmas Eve to get home with enough time to play Santa for Joe.... It really is amazing I made it 39 weeks!!
Joe is fantastic. He turned 4 a few weeks ago. Get this, he can READ now!! It is amazing. He loves it too and can't seem to put books down these days. At night, he insists on me staying in bed with him for at LEAST 15 minutes to spell words with him. Such a little bookworm/nerd ;-)
That's all from me Hope you're all doing well. T&Ps to FutureJW, as I just saw your very sad news....
Re: MrsMGR here, just checking in =)
i can't believe you are 39 weeks already!!!
glad to hear you are doing well!!
Congrats on the baby and the move!
We moved to Katy last year and like it. However, we have some real duds for neighbors. Our one neighbor just sold or leased his home and I hope the new neighbors have a personality. I might consider bribing them with cookies to test the water.
Boo to Katy!
But I love you enough to drive out to the evil City Centre to hang out with you
So Tasty, So Yummy
Boo to Katy!
But I love you enough to drive out to the evil City Centre to hang out with you
So Tasty, So Yummy
Congrats! Can't wait to see pics.
I stood right next to you at Adam's wedding, and you were gone by the time I realized why you looked familiar.
Keep us posted!
Ha! I bet you love me enough that I can convince you to drive out to dun, dun, dun. KATY!!! I just have to bribe you with champagne and baby snuggles Oh, and a guestroom for you to crash in!!!! IT WILL HAPPEN. ;-)
Great seeing you post here! I'm so excited that baby Caroline is about to enter the world...so exciting!
It was wonderful seeing you earlier this month! You looked fabulous!
You have a FOUR year old?!? Where did time go?
I'll check in with you on text or email, it's easier for me. xo - can't wait to meet Caroline!