I keep telling myself this, as it has been true of all the other ones.
Cooper has never been much into rolling over. He can, and sometimes he does, but not as a mode of transportation or anything.
At night his newest thing is ending up all the way on his tummy in his sleep, and sleeping peacefully for a while like that, then waking up enough to notice that he doesn't like it, or that he wants to pop up on his arms and see what is up, and then screaming until someone finally comes in to flip him over. And then I just hope and pray that he goes back to sleep.
It happened 5 times last night. 5.
He knows how to flip from front to back, he just won't do it in his crib, so he just screams.
Momma is so tired.
Re: All phases pass.
I feel ya - C used to do that and drive me crazy all night long. Now we are too the I'm standing and I can't sit phase. This too shall pass.
I hope he figures it out soon. I've grown used to sleeping for more than an hour at a time again now, and I can't go back there man!!
Spirit of Power
Eat, Drink, and be Keri
Isabella and Caitlin
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That is exactly what I told Ms Deb at daycare today, and my mom (tomorrow is Coop's first day of his "part time day care, part time Nana care" trial.) Get him on his belly, and coax him to flip back and forth, so he "remembers" he can do it.
I hope it works itself out. I think he is just getting ready to put the wheels on (FINALLY,) and all of the learning to make his body go has him too pumped to sleep.
Spirit of Power
Eat, Drink, and be Keri
Fingers crossed!!!