Hi there,
We have barking dogs as wake-up calls at 10 PM and 6 AM.
We live in the city. Our neighbors across the street have a dog that they let out every day at 6:00 AM. The dog barks for about 5-10 minutes. If we don't have a fan on in our room, it wakes us up (we normally get out of bed @ 7:30). To add to that, we just got new dog owning next door neighbors who let their dog out around 10/10:30 PM every night and the dog barks for about 5-10 minutes. If we go to bed early, the dog usually wakes us up.
I've never owned a dog so I don't know how normal it is to let your dog out into the yard to do their business and bark. I wish they'd just walk their dog but I understand that's not practical. I am glad that the owners bring in the dog after no more than 10 minutes of barking. Nonetheless, collectively, these wake-up calls are annoying. Maybe I am edgy and hormonal and just need to let go of my annoyance. But, we have a baby due in September. One dog will be right outside of the nursery window. It barks not only at 10 but also at 7:30.
Is it reasonable for me to be annoyed? What can I reasonably ask of these dog owners (especially when baby arrives)? I want to be respectful of their right to have a dog but at the same time, it's a bother.
Thanks for any advice!
Re: Annoyed w/ neighbors' barking dogs - Reasonable?
I am surprised they let them bark - that's rude, no matter what time it is. Our dogs bark sometimes, that's understandable, but to allow them to bark every day for ten minutes straight is ridiculous IMO. A few barks here and there can't be helped, but ten minutes straight...? When our dogs start barking, we quickly shuffle outside to hush them up.
I own dogs and would be annoyed by this behavior. It's not the dogs - it's the people. They should be shushing their dogs, especially at the time of day/night they are barking, and the duration of time that they are barking. I don't know how to address the neighbors, but I can tell you that you wouldn't be the only one annoyed if I lived there too!
Yes I would be annoyed. Dogs bark yes, but to let a dog bark for that long every time it goes out would be annoying. I think it is rude of your neighbors to allow it. When Tyson starts barking if he does not stop (only happened twice, i think) I made him go inside.
Not sure how to handle it though. Maybe go over to the house when its barking and say hey your dog is barking is something wrong? It was barking so loud it woke me up. They may not relies how loud it is. Good Luck!
Sorry, I had to post and run. I really appreciate the feedback. It's nice to know that if/when I do say something I'm not being irrational for being annoyed.