I moved into my current apt complex back on Halloween, and things have been relatively good since then. After I moved in, I noticed a lot of negative reviews online but I've actually yet to experience any of the negatives people are mentioning. The worst (until now) has been the fact that at least one of the buildings two elevators is consistently on the fritz. However, mgmt has always been very quick to respond to requests for maintenance, and in general are incredibly friendly.
My upstairs neighbors are generally REALLY heavy walkers (I swear, these people must like stomping around in work boots), and they have a hyperactive child, but it's not like I hear them 24/7, so I just deal. However, in the last week or so, it appears they've gotten a dog. Who barks NONSTOP when they're not home.
I've apparently been really lucky in my nearly 15 years of living on my own - I've never really had to deal with neighbors like this. Any tips on trying to talk to them about it?
Re: WWYD? Neighbors' barking dog
If they're not home, it's possible that they do not know their dog is barking.
The first thing I would do is explain it to them.
It's possible they are in the process of crate training and need to know this information.
One of my last fosters had severe anxiety in a crate and would bark and bark when we were not home. I had no idea until my downstairs neighbor told me about it. After that, we tried a few things - baby gating and leaving the radio on for him. My neighbor was kind enough to let me know that the barking had dwindled down and then stopped altogether.
Just try talking to them first.
-- Thoughts become things, choose the good ones! --
B/w 1/8: betas 17,345, progesterone 25.6
I hate hearing my own dog bark (who I love to pieces), I cannot imagine how irritating it is that your neighbors have a dog that barks non-stop all day.
Agreed with PP about letting your neighbors know. If you're particularly nice, offer to let them know whether or not what they're trying works. However, if you can tell they're not really trying to fix it, you should start a paper trail with your apartment complex about the issue. Make formal complaints, in writing, keep a copy and document all of your complaints.