so im confused....they show previews for next week where Leah is confessing to being unfaithful. I am she confessing to a past incident from a long time ago or is it like a new 'affair' she had per say? Does anyone know?
I feel like the show painted them as picture perfect then all the sudden in 2 episodes they are like on the verge of confused....
I also think its crap that Keifer didn't get any jail time or probation when he already has a record...that was weird too. I know Jenelle is a kook but every time i see her i feel like she is just so badly searching for unconditional love. its like her mom tries to say it but never does. it reminds me of Intervention episodes where the addict is just dying to hear it, yet it is not said.
I hate Chelsea's new hair and her voice still bugs me. I hope she stays away from loser Adam however.
Finally, Jordan acted like a weirdo meeting Joe. I think its his age.....also did you see previews? are they insinuating that Joe and Kailyn may get back together? I do feel like Joe still likes her. I also feel like that kid looks nothing like Joe at all!!
Ok thats it just wanted to chat it up!
Re: Teen Mom 2..if you watched yesterday's episode come in to discuss...
Ooo I just posted about this!