My SIL found out she was pregnant the week before Christmas, and found out the Tuesday after that it was ectopic. Her levels were crazy high for an ectopic - like 50k+, so it's been taking forever for her body to pass everything. She was given a couple of shots to hurry things along, and had been progressing well.
Yesterday she was taken to the hospital, the ectopic pregnancy was bigger then her uterus and her tube had ruptured. She had surgery to remove the tube and the docs think she will feel 100% better now, but it was really unexpected and more then a little scary - her levels were down to like 1400, so we really thought she was in the clear. If anyone has any "feel better" juju floating around, send it her way! She doesn't deal with medical stuff very well, and I know she & my little brother will really struggle with this one. Thanks ladies!
Re: Juju - and for once, it's not for me!
PAIF and SAIF welcome. IVF questions welcome, too.
Spirit of Power
Eat, Drink, and be Keri
Katie Talks About...
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
Growing Up Olson
Holy cow, we're going to have a little sister!!