I had this crazy idea the other week that I'm going to train for a half-marathon. Right. But really, it's on my 101 in 1001 so I better get my overweight behind in gear. My husband said he would do it too and we could train/lose weight together... and he's worked out with me ONCE in the last two weeks.
Is there anyone (preferably also slightly overweight and not an avid runner that will make me cry in shame) that would be interested in training with me? I imagine it's best to run outside, but I have a membership at the Planet Fitness in Cypress and could run there too. I work from home and my husband works in the evenings so my schedule is pretty flexible....
Re: planet fitness in cypress and dreams of a half marathon
Where do you live? I'm in Katy and willing to do some runs with you.
As for being overweight. I will show you a photo of me when I did a half marathon. If my fat butt can do one anyone can. I am still 25 lbs over weight. I still somehow run. I'm not fast but I get the job done. Since then I have upped my training and already lost 15 more lbs since that photo. I'm training for another one in 2 weeks (eek!)
There are some AMAZING ladies on here (Kat.in.the.hat, FinallyKrisB, Charolette, usernametaken, I'm sure I'm forgetting more) who help me out and are amazing inspiration and running partners.
I'm sure they will chim in but I am more than welcome to run with you. I'm not fast but I'm getting faster and having fun at it!
All you have to do is post half marathon in the title and you know we'll come flocking in. LOL!
I'm in Baytown and too far away to train with you, but do NOT let being overweight stop you from working to acheive your goal. I was overweight when I started running several years ago.
What race are you thinking about training for? Do you have a training plan picked out?
BFP #3 -mm/c @ 7wks, discovered at 9wks, D&C 9/28
Current Status: TTA
~~PGAL/PAL Always Welcome!~~
I have no plan! Where do I get a trainingplan? lol
I haven't picked a race because I don't know what a realistic training timeline is. I just saw The Color Run and thought that looked like fun. The TX ones are happening this month though.
I personally would not run a half in Texas after the beginning of April and before mid October in the fall. It's just too hot.
A late fall half would give you lots of time to build a running base over the summer (when it's just miserable to have to be doing 8 and 10 mile long runs) and then start training for real after the heat is over.
I've used both Hal Higdon's plan and the FIRST plan (which is only three days a week).
ETA: FIRST is onyl three days of running. And there are no "easy" runs. Both plans include days for crosstraining.
By "planet fitness in Cypress," are you referring to the one at Louetta and Grant? I didn't know if there was another in Cyress proper.
If it's the one at Louetta, I am kinda close, and I would be interested. I have almost finished the C25K program, and I don't know what I'm planing after that.
I sometimes run at the YMCA by 249. They have a nice outdoor trail. Perhaps we could meet up there.