Colorado Nesties
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She had her milk this morning as usual and took a bite of breakfast. She had about half a granola bar at snack time and then went down for lunch. She won't touch her lunch plate. Not even the cookies or the peaches that she usually loves. She's still asking for milk and acting fairly normal. I think she's just trying to be in control but she's got to be hungry right? Would you call the pedi or is this a normal toddler thing?
Re: My kid is not eating.
If she's drinking and still hydrated (peeing) than I'd say no big deal yet. Wait a week or so and if she's physically tired/losing weight/not peeing, then call.
Are you united with the CCOKCs?
No more baby siggie pics. Boo.
Well that sucks.
I hope she's just being a stinker. I didn't think it warranted a call but I didn't want to be the bad mom ignoring the fact that her kid isn't eating. Hopefully she eats more tomorrow and doesn't get the pukies in the middle of a snow storm!
As long as she's hydrated and acting normally I wouldn't worry about it too much. I've heard to take what toddlers eat over a week instead of a day to get an accurate view.
Blake still has days where he'll barely eat and days where he eats twice as much as I do.
DS 09/08
My kid hit 18 months and stopped eating. Seriously, she survives on 2 bites a day. How? I don't know. but she is doing just fine and when I brought it up to the Ped, she said, "Yep. Sounds like a toodler." As long as they're drinking and growing well it's totally normal.
I was advised to make sure I don't give too much milk, just serve it at meal times. Otherwise the calories in milk fill them up and they don't eat as well.
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010