OK so we're in inspections for the house. Septic was supposed to be last week. They came, located the tank, said it was too deep to dig (he said it was 4 feet down) and that we had to hire a backhoe to come in and dig it up. Uhm. wtf. So we finally found a backhoe, and have to pay 80/hr for this guy. We were also billed $125 for a "show up fee" by the inspector. The guy said it would come off our bill, but when we called to confirm that she said no way- it's a separate fee, and after a stink she said she'd take $50 off the final bill.
So now inspection finally started. Backhoe dug up what they marked out and it was NOT the septic lid- it was the old cesspool lid- and it was NOT 4 feet deep. It was maybe 2.5 feet deep. The guy who was doing the inspections yesterday said that they are responsibile for digging up to 4 feet, after that it's the customers responsibility. So basically 1st guy was feeling lazy and just lied I guess. They have a stick they poke down to tell the depth of something, so it's not something with room for error really. I can see it hitting a pebble and thinking it's CLOSER, but not thinking it's further than it is. The actual septic was found and it's only a foot down- just where it's supposed to be.
I think we should take the cost of the backhoe off, and the "show up fee" off the bill because a) we should have completed this day 1, it was diggable with a shovel, and b) he insisted we hire a backhoe and it was all within the depth their inspector said they are responsible for.
How would you handle this?
Re: How would you handle this billing/service issue?