I can't believe I get to type this...I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!
I realized that I should have started or getting really close to AF coming. I haven't been tracking since we were told we were done. I had an extra HPT and it always makes me feel better, or stop obsessing about it, when I see "not pregnant". But I didn't see that this time. I am pregnant....today....and totally shocked. I think I balled and shook for about an hour. I have been so sad and depressed since the IVF class....I can't believe this is happening.
When I had my post op laparoscopic appt my RE told us getting pregnant naturally would be almost impossible since my left tube was totally blocked, and my right tube was not totally blocked, but "abnormal" so it wasn't impossible. I had accepted the fact that it wasn't going to happen naturally. Plus the fact that we've been trying for over a year without getting pregnant, losing 2 babies in 2 years prior to that and being 38...IVF was the way to go. I pray this pregnancy doesn't end like my other 2.
We are really shocked and DH is excited, of course, we don't have to talk about IVF for a little while.
Of course we aren't telling anyone, so no facebook posts, don't tell any mutual friends...family doesn't even know yet. I need your T&Ps that this pregnancy will get us the baby we've been waiting and praying for so long for. Thank you for all of your T&Ps over the years too. You girls have been a HUGE support to me!!!
1st pregnancy: BFP- 6/28/09 - Found out we lost our little girl on 10/9/09 at 19w 4d - D&E- 10/14/09
June 2010, corrective surgery for Septate Uterus and large fibroids
2nd pregnancy: BFP- 10/18/10 - Slow rising, non-doubling HCGs, no heart beat. Non-viable pregnancy, D&C- 11/12/10
Started Metformin 6/30/11, Started Clomid 7/20/11 - Unsuccessful
HSG and Laparoscopic surgery revealed blocked tubes and lots of scar tissue...IVF here we come!!!
Surprise BFP naturally!!! IT'S A BOY!!!
Re: Please let me keep this one...SURPRISE!!!
Omg!!! That is amazing!!!!
Praying hard for a happy and healthy 9 months
OMG! YAY! I'm in tears for you! Sending lots of prayers your way!
Oh yay!!
Lots and lots and lots of prayers for you!
I am seriously so freaking happy for you!!! I just happened to see your ticker today and thought, hmmm...weird she hasn't gotten to an O date yet. this is the best news ever!!!
praying for a happy healthy 9 months and a happy healthy baby at the end!
I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!! You seem like such a caring person always thinking about others, and you deserve it all!
Happy and healthy 9 months to you!
yay!!!! congrats!!!!
stick, baby, stick!!
congrats! sending lots of sticky dust and prayers your way !
stick baby stick!! you have WONDERFUL mommy waiting to meet you!
so happy A!!
Every word of this. Sending lots and lots of prayers for you all.
Ditto. Praying hard for you!
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