I don't know if I ever actually did an intro way back when I first started lurking/posting a while ago. With the stuff that's been going on I feel like I'm on this board a lot more than I anticipated so figured I should intro myself.
I have two dogs. Collins is the GSP/Jack Russell mix who was 1 in October. She just got a perfect bill of health from the vet! Yay! (He said she's the right size, healthy as a horse and cute as can be).
Ziva is my 2 year old lab mix. I think she's mixed with a Golden just because she's got similar traits to my inlaw's lab-golden mix. She just had knee surgery on Tuesday to fix her torn ACL. She's doing fabulously even if she's mad at DH for putting the cone on her when he leaves for work (he leaves after me) and 1/4 nekkid right now.
I tried to do some pictures but tinypic is being stupid and won't load for me.
Re: re(?)intro
5 cats. 1 baby.
I remember some of your posts because your lab is named after an NCIS character AND looks like our lab!
(so, bonus points for you! )