Hi everyone! I haven't been on here in a really long time. I've been looking for a new daycare/preschool for my almost 3yo. & thought I'd check in to see if anyone is in the area. I work full time & unfortunately do not have family in the area, so I really need to find a good school with before & after care. So many preschools are on the same schedule as the public schools & I'd rather not have that worry until I have no choice. She's in a place now, but I'm not really happy with it.
Anyone know anything about the boys & girls club preschool or the PAL preschool (I think it's little footsteps)? or any place that you can highly recommend?
Thanks so much!
Re: anyone know a good daycare/preschool in Wayne?
Two good friends of mine send their kids to Goddard; another is a teacher there. They're all so happy with it.
I dont know anything about the B&G Club preschool but know my friend is paying for another year of private preschool rather than put her kid in the public, half day Wayne K program because she really does not like the Club (she's very familiar with it via her niece, whi is 12 and goes there).
we had our DD in The Learning Experience in wayne. we really loved it there.
i've heard great things about goddard, too. the only thing i noticed (it's on the way to TLE) is that depending on the direction you're coming from, it's hard to actually get in. strange but i figured i'd give a heads up if you're going there to check it out.
I heard good things about the PAL and it is reasonably priced.
A few neighbors use Goddard. Another one is Donna Reid.
The one negative I had with Learning Experience was the driveway/parking. Small lot and a hill (guess this winter would have been ok!).
Thank you everyone for your replies. I'm going to follow-up on these & continue to take recommendations. If anyone has any more input I'd love to hear!
I did look into Immaculate Heart & ReadySetGrow, but my understanding was that they also go along with the Wayne Public School calendar which includes spring break - I know I'll have to deal with this when she goes to public school, but I'd rather not worry about it until then. AND, I totally agree that it's bs that you have to stand in line at 4am to register (RSG).
We are currently using one of the Apple extensions - while I love the program, I am having a few issues with the staff at this establishment. I can switch her to one of the two other buildings but one only has kids til 4pm then she'd be alone until 4:30/5 when I can pick her up, and the other building costs $300 more/month. ugh!
I live in Wayne but I take my daughter to 123 Kinderstar Day School in Fairfield. It's on 46E. We have been there since June and we love it.