Can anyone recommend a vet or a place to board in the Cypress/N.Edridge/Jersey Village area? Will are moving in that direction and while we really like our vet and where we board, they will no longer be even remotely convient. They aren't really convenient now, but we liked them so we stayed. when we move it will take close to an hour to get to where we board and about 45 minutes to where our vet is.
Any recs?
Oh, the kennel needs to be one where they don't require an accessment of the dog. Our terrier has agression issues if in open play environment. We need a kennel where they have their own run and are taken for walks or given solo time for exercise.
Re: vet and boarding
On Jones Rd near West Rd is Animal Hospital Jones Road. I used to work there and would trust my pets to them, they are on the expensive side though (IMO). They are also a kennel. It makes it nice for anyone boarding because if the animal needs any vet attention the vet is right there.
I can't recall the name of the place, but my mom takes her pup to the place on Hwy 6/290 that's toward COpperfield kind of near a golf course.
It's on the same side of Hwy 6 at Chipotle, Chuy's, and all that stuff but further away from 290.
Sorry I'm not more specific! I just know she likes it.
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