i have a pair of lamps from my grandma's house, and i'd like to faux-bronze them and put tiffany-looking shades on top. I can't seem to find just the shades, though... they're always attached to a lamp.
my cousin suggested Nicoletti's, so I'll definitely run by there... but anyone else know of anywhere I might be able to get/order them?
the lamps have a really pretty base shape, but it's that burnt-wood look that was so popular in the 50's-ish era. It doesn't really work with the look I want in our bedroom, but i really want to keep the lamps.
edit: while a bargain is always lovely, i'm willing to go with somethign pricey here.
Re: where in Houston can I get fancy lampshades?
i'm not sure if nicoletti's is still in business... but i'll find out ; ) they're by my office so i can just drive by.
i've looked online, but i can't seem to find any JUST shades. i can find the itty bitty ones, but i need a regular lampshade sized one, not like, the tiny novelty lamps.
Kel had also suggested some of the interiors stores along westheimer and in bellaire. that may be the ticket. i'll also try the guild shop if i have time.
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Tons on ebay but not always in pairs. However they could help you narrow down the vocabulary on the style you are looking for in case you want to check with antique dealers or get something made.
Or if you are willing to pay $$ to have them custom made, I imagine any stained glass artist could create them for you. My aunt made clocks and all kinds of things out of stained glass.
Looks like the first link below sells either shades or patterns to make them (in which they could probably tell you who to buy them from).
This place does custom windows and large stained glass domes so maybe they do lamp shades too or could tell who would do them: http://artglassbywells.com/glass_domes
- Paula Deen to 104.1 KRBE's Producer Eric 9/17/2011