I go down there today to feed them, and one of the black and white cats (one that won't let me near her) is apparently in heat. At least that's what I gathered from Carl trying to hump her every two seconds, spraying everything in sight, and trying to keep the other boy cats away from her. And most of the cats down there are male.
So, since I can't catch the black and white cat to keep her away from all the kitty penis, let's have some "NO BABY FERAL" wishes, please.
Freaking cats. lol
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Re: omg, feral cats...
I'm hoping that the humane society will do that. Well, I'm hoping that she doesn't get pregnant at all, but if she does I think a spay/abort would be best.
I told Carl to keep it in his pants as I was leaving, but I don't think he understood.
<a href="http://www.thenest.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Home DBehave yourself Carl! No baby kitties!
What is the status of the little gray one?
She still hates me, which I think is funny since I'm the one who ended up bleeding after our last encounter.
But she's fine. Hanging out as usual.
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