Hello everyone! I am a first time mom and Im due in June of 2012. Im having a girl and having lots of back and forth ideas about where to have my daughter. I hear UMC isnt the best, my friend just had her daughter there in Dec. and she was not very happy at several things that went on while she was there. My younger sister and brother were both born at TMC but my sisters god daughter was born at the Women's Center near the NorthWest Hospital on La Cholla and the mother has had nothing but wonderful things to say about it.
Ive got a grandmother coming from out of town, she can't walk very far so that why the Women's Center is a good idea, also my mom cannot walk far and works right around the corner from the WC. It's also not a far drive from where the whole family lives but TMC is.
Anyway, my post is just asking for opinions from mothers who have had their children at either TMC or the Women's Center (or other places if you think where you had your delivery is better)
By the way, I do have a hospital tour set for BOTH TMC and the Women's Center but I would like some more point of views other than the hospitals,
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this and share your opinion and experience!!