Background: I took DD to the pedi last Weds for a rash, low fever, and rapid breathing. Diagnosis: it's a virus, we have to wait it out.
The fever is gone now, breathing is normal, but the rash hasn't changed much (if at all) and is now itchy, and she now has a runny nose and a seriously awful cough (almost croupy, but definitely some mucus there) and a sore throat (cries every time she coughs). Would you take her back to the pedi again, or keep waiting it out as long as there's no fever? Assuming it's still just a virus, there's nothing they can do for her.
UPDATE: I called the pedi, waiting to get a call back to see what they say. Thanks ladies!
More update: Nurse said just ride it out as long as she's taking fluids okay and breathing alright. Poor baby.
Re: At what point do you take baby back to pedi? (updated)
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
A quick question...where is the rash located and what does it look like and does she ever get strep?
I think a lot of times in kids a virus can turn into a bacterial infection also b/c their immune systems are working so hard that any introduction of a bacteria can result in a sinus cold/virus turning into strep, ear infection, etc.
Are you united with the CCOKCs?
I don't know if she can get strep (or has gotten it) as she's only 9 months old. My thought is that the rash looks like scarlet fever, but it showed up several days before the low fever so I am at a loss. The rash is on her face (where it looks the worst) but actually covers nearly her entire body (except hands and feet), with a great spread over her abdomen and it does seem to go into her diaper area (she had diaper rash too, but this persistent rash I'm thinking is the same as the rash on the rest of her body).
ETA: Here's a picture of the rash on her face. It's very rough and the spots are pretty fine.This actually is from Wednesday, and the rash on her face looks worse now.
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