My son is 15 months and very good on his feet. He's in a room with seven other kids, two teachers, and he's had four falls justifying four incident reports in two weeks. The teachers are really caring and I do like them a lot, but this seems excessive. Am I overreacting? (My daughter had one incident report in four years, and I hear boys are "different", but doesn't this seem a bit much?). I spoke with the director and owner and we're going to sit together with the teachers, but I'd like to know whether I'm overreacting... I should note no serious injuries, but it still aggravates me. He doesn't fall this often at home, and we don't live in a "padded" environment!
Re: frequent falls in daycare
unless you feel they are neglecting him in some way - i'd give the benefit of the doubt - that kids play differently at "school"... when lots of other kids are around... lots of toys, etc - it's a LOT different than your home environment... and yes, boys get hurt a LOT.
I wouldn't even think twice about it... my boys fell SO MUCH at that age - i'm just happy when they come home and didn't need stitches or a cast.
Ava had two incident reports in 4.5 years - both were because she was bitten by another child.
Sam, on the other hand, had two last week alone. She is constantly falling - tripping on her own feet, over someone else's feet, over a toy, on the carpet, etc. etc. etc.
Sam has had serious injury - one time was a dislocated elbow when she fell and wouldn't let go of a large standing toy on her way down (caught on school's video - no one else was involved) and a few other times it's led to bruised and bloody noses and then a trip to an ENT to determine whether or not it was broken. The teachers do what they can - 12-18 mos is the least orderly age I've ever seen. they're like little pinballs all over that room! I don't blame anyone since they attend to my kid immediately - all of which i can verify by looking at the day's footage.
I didn't blame anyone. They react
Ditto the pps. That age they might be steady on their feet under normal circumstances but they are still early walkers. If they don't anticipate a toy or if they are trying to avoid another kid or even if they trip over their own feet they're going to fall.
As long as the teachers are tending to him when he falls I'd chalk it up to age. K had a ton of incident reports at that age. It's par for the course when they're exploring their increased mobility.