So today, I take our vaccuum to the vaccuum repair shop b/c it needed a new belt for the brush part on the bottom. The guy takes it in the back, brings it back out about 10 mins later, and says "Well the brush part is working great, but we've got another issue. It's clogged."
Me: "Let me guess. Dog hair."
Vaccuum guy: "Yep, looks that way. But don't worry, Big Bertha here (gestures to central vac mounted on the wall) should get that right out."
(the clog in question was close to where the hose disconnects from the back of the vaccuum so you can put an attachment on the hose to do the stairs and stuff)
He starts up Big Bertha, and puts the nozzle in the hole where the clog was. Nothing.
Take hose out, poke at clog with fingers to loosen it. Hose goes back in. Nothing.
Repeat process. Nothing. Guy says he may need to go find a coat hanger or something in the back to loosen the clog.
Guy manages to dig a small part of the clog out. Sure enough, all dog hair. Specifically, Georgia hair. I am (not) SHOCKED.
Big Bertha gets hooked back up again. What do I hear/see? THUNKATHUNKATHUNK as the clog gets sucked into Big Bertha's hose and shakes the damn hose on its way into the vaccuum tank. THE CLOG OF GODDAMN DOG HAIR WAS SO BIG IT MADE THE HOSE OF SOMETHING CALLED BIG FREAKING BERTHA SHAKE AND MAKE THUNKING NOISES.
Georgia is lucky she is so damn cute. And that my vaccuum works again. Oy.
Re: Things that are gross
Check your filters too. Replacing our filters helped some, but getting a new belt and the clog removed really did the trick. How old is your vaccuum?
I just cleaned my vacuum and had a crap ton of fur come out. I could have made a fur coat, I swear. So gross.
I've found I have to clean my vacuum frequently, at least every time I change the bag. But, we also have 2 dogs, a cat, and rabbit!
Every time J vaccuums* he empties out the canister while lecturing Georgia on the fact that we could make her a whole litter of new siblings with all the hair he vaccuums up. It's insane.
*yes, I meant that. I hate to vaccuum, so J does it. J hates cleaning the bathrooms, so I do that. Wins all around!