New Jersey Nesties
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MOM! HELP! All I do is say no, don't stop!
UGH- all day long I am saying Mikey No, Michael don't touch, DANGER, NO NO, and then I start to lose my cool and yell to get his attention. I move him 1000000 a day, try to distract him, everything- but he is a bugger and gets into everything! He thinks he funny, I do not! HELP! HELP HELP!
Kristen(formerly kristen8/16/03, but the nest stinks and I had to change my name)Wife to Mike, Mommy to Kieran 7/25/06 and Michael 7/14/10
The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011

Re: MOM! HELP! All I do is say no, don't stop!
i have to lol - where you put the comma in the subject line makes it read, "NO! Don't stop!" like you love what he's doing, hahaha.
I feel the same- but i make sure i give LOTS of praise when they are doing things well... "i love how you are playing nicely... It's great how you cleaned up.... It makes me so happy when you play like that with your brothers", etc...
my boys go through phases where they push the limits all day long... but being consistant - they learn where they are, and we then have a few weeks of good behavior (for the most part).
There are some things that I have ether given into or that he *thinks* I've given into. For instance, we have two cabinets in the kitchen that are unlocked. They contain only plastic stuff. So when I tell S he can't get into the locked cabinet he wants to get into, he goes to the open one and takes stuff out of there. I'm pretty sure he thinks he won but whatever, it get him to leave the other things alone.
Would I rather not have to pick up and reclean a ton of tupperware? yes. But its a battle not worth fighting. I save the "no. stop" for things like "Shawn don't lick the toilet" and "Shawn do not climb on that unstable object", but as of now certain cabinets and my pantry are free for him to conquer.
Oh he has a cabinet too! And the stuff is all dangerous climbing, oven, dishwasher, etc....
The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011
Then my other suggestion is a padded room. Seriously I debate it with two boys around!
Same here. I'm glad to know I am not the only one dealing with a LO who laughs when you yell, "no! stop!" & pull them away from something. It's so frustrating that he thinks it's a game! I pull him away & he runs right back, laughing, to whatever it is...the garbage can, my laptop, the glasses off MH's face, the stove...the list goes on!
I always say, of all the words he understands, how does he not understand what NO means?!
And he has his own kitchen cabinet, too
Zoey Emma 08.18.10