The past month has been awful. It started with DH getting laid off unexpectedly when DS was 2 weeks old. Then our basement flooded and our DIY skills weren't good enough to fix it so we had to call a plumber. It flooded again, so the plumber came back a few days ago. It flooded again last night. We live in a duplex and our line is clean so it has to be the neighbor's line that is causing problems for us. No big deal, we just have to ask him to have his line cleaned out. I just can't do laundry or dishes or anything really until he gets it done.
Our health insurance ended on Jan. 31 and wouldn't you know it, Finn is sick and had to go to the Dr. today. Not cheap, the CHP+ application takes 45 days to process and we aren't allowed to have insurance or it won't go through. It is truly the most frustrating process and they are so incredibly unhelpful. No one should ever have to consider how they will pay their mortgage if they have to take their baby to the ER. The health system is seriously effed up.
On top of all of this, DH is at his parents all week taking care of his mom who just had her hip replaced and his dad who has dementia/Alzheimers. I haven't slept since Sunday night and throw on all the extra hormones and exhaustion and I'm at my breaking point. I do not know how single moms do it.
I also got a call from a colleague, that our old boss actually hired someone to replace DH after he told everyone that he was downsizing. He's also telling our clients that DH knew it was coming and that he got a great severance and letters of recommendation etc. If a great severance is one week of pay, then I would hate to see what a bad severance package is. Especially since DH didn't take any of his vacation in 2011 and worked overtime. Seriously, I hope karma really gets him someday.
That's all. Thanks for reading if you got this far. I'm putting my happy face back on. It could be worse.
Re: Just need to vent/cry somewhere.
When it rains it pours doesn't it? Hugs to you. Hang in there, it can only go up from here.
Let us know if we can help here.
my read shelf:
4 losses: Blighted ovum 1/11, CP 12/11, CP 3/12, and our perfectly healthy baby girl Charlotte Grace, missed M/C 5/31/12 at 8w5d
Surprise unmedicated BFP 9/21/12!! Beta #1 9/22 (10 DPO): 46 Beta #2 9/24 (12 DPO): 226! Heartbeat 136 bpm at 7w! It's a BOY! Theodore Joshua 5/23/13 7:36am 7lb 13 oz, 19.25 in
((((LMGE))))) Hugs.
You don't have to put on your happy face for us. I would even let you swim around in my imaginary vat of LiCh and chug from my barrel of wine.
I am so sorry.
Spirit of Power
Eat, Drink, and be Keri
Mama's Gonna Buy You A Mockingbird
I would listen to Ondrea. She knows this stuff.
Big hugs.... I'm so sorry.
So sorry - hugs! I wish it wasn't hard like this for you guys.
I raise my glass to confusing health care issues - you're paying a ton to have insurance that doesn't cover much or paying at higher rates to doctors if you don't have insurance?! Have you looked into the Denver/JeffCo clincs for care. I don't know much about those, but it might be good to know what they cover like vaccines and such. Does your DH get unemployment as he looks for the next job? I have heard that the unemployment process is as crazy as health care sometimes. Hang in there.
Are you united with the CCOKCs?
Married Bio
I don't know if it helps at all, but if you are approved for CHP+, your coverage techincally starts from the day you turn in your application so they may back pay for your appointment if you turned in your application before then.
From their website: For children, CHP+ coverage begins the date the application is received at the CHP+ office, a Application Assistance Site, or a county office. Coverage lasts for 12 months.
I am so sorry. I know the health care system is seriously f*d up and it is infuriating. My mom is dealing with that and it never ends. =(
I would definitely look into talking to someone about the boss' actions. At will state or not, if they say they are letting you go for downsizing and they lay you off, they can't legally hire someone else for the same job. I went through this in CA, let me know if you need someone to talk to =(
Hang in there, you are doing so well and have crappy circumstances all around. *hugs*
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