Help! I just don't know what to do. I feel like we've tried everything. Removing from situation, redirecting, timeouts, books, songs, talking about feelings, biting back (MIL did it once), "chew toys", moving him up to the toddler room at daycare, etc. He reacts by crying after the situation. We talk about it but he's just NOT getting it. Please give me any and all suggestions!
He's gotten better at home but he's still doing it at daycare...10+ times since Dec? I just don't know what to do. We're pulling the kids out of daycare 3/15 if I don't have another job lined up then (my term date)...I don't want to transition them before then because that will be rough on them. As it is, I don't know how to avoid this at the next place. Do I tell them ahead of time? Or keep it a secret and hope he stops?
I have my concerns about this daycare for other reasons but I'm really unimpressed with the way that they have handled this. They said that would shadow him but I don't think they are doing it consistently as there's been comments by his main teacher that she can't stop him from across the room/during diaper changes, etc.
Please? Any advice?
Re: My youngest is a bite or 2 away from getting kicked out of daycare.
is there a way you can go and watch him during the day without him seeing you? or do they have video monitoring?
I always tell parents of kids who get bitten that it's MUCH harder being the parent of the bite-ER - b/c of this issue!
if you don't think they are following their own policy - then you need to observe for 1/2 a day or so -without him knowing (and without them knowing if possible - on camera, etc).
what are the situations that set him off?
i assume your ticker is up to date - he's 18 months old? i have a 16 mos old and cannot imagine her talking about feelings, mostly because she says three words: hi, momma, uh-oh and bubble. I know she understands directions and what's happening around her, but I don't think that's the age for a time outs or talking about feelings.
and he probably cries because the solutions are either scary or jarring to him.
my little one is starting to make biting motions, but she hasn't bitten yet. The teachers see her and see that she stops, but I'm just waiting. I know that in Ava's age range, they did need to shadow a kid and they truly did it.
Ugh...I'm sorry Ang. He was sitting all nice and playing today when I picked Grace up. I said hello to him when I came in and when I left I said bye Simon and he said bye back. It was really cute. I said 'say hi to mommy for me' LOL.. I doubt he did that though.
I'm actually off and around on Sunday if you wanted to maybe get together for lunch w/ the kids (one or both doesn't matter) PM me and let me know. Sorry I don't have any advice though.
BFP #2 10/29/08 ...stillborn via c/s @41w 7/20/09
missing my baby everyday
BFP #3 1/20/10 My angel's little sister Grace Madison was born September 8th 2010 @37w. We're so blessed! Thank you angel for getting her here safely.
BFP #4 12/30/11. Jackson Christopher 8/22/2012 via repeat c/s @ 37w 3d
Thanks for the thoughts. Yes he's 18 months. I really think it will stop once hes able to communicate more. We're not sure what triggers it. It seems to happen during times of transition, right after lunch, diaper changes, etc. It's sometimes over a toy or sometimes for what seems like no reason. there are no cameras so Im not able to easily observe. They have tinted windows do I try to peek in without him noticing but my older son can see me from his classroom so he is loud and blows my cover.
I called my company's EAP tonight and got a referral for a chilren's counselor. I figure it can't hurt. Simon's always had a short fuse and is quick to anger...and I wonder how much of that plays into the biting thing.
Monica, check your PM! Sunday sounds good!