My poor 4 month old kitten has had a horrible URI since we got him in November... and then of course he had that ear mite problem (me and DH getting mysteriously bitten in the night)...
Well, he's been on a potent antibiotic (azithromycin)... which is his 4th antibiotic since we adopted him... and Last tuesday he got 2 shots and a treatment of Revolution... URI and bug problems are cleared up.
But now he's having a bad reaction to SOMETHING. Has lost 1.5 lbs in 7 days and will not eat. I think it's the revolution, vet thinks it's the antibiotics (killed all his normal flora and now has caused upset).... Today he got a shot of an anti-nausea med, 4 hours later still not eating. He will likely have to get admitted for fluids/obs tomorrow.
They way he is hunched up and the look in his eyes is a horrible, horrible reminder of Obi (who we lost in late October).
Re: need Kitty juju
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