Most of the time Stephanie takes supervised showers but lately she wants to take a bath more with her brother. I think she's getting at the age where she's a little too old. I am trying to limit it and eventually want to discourage it. She is getting to be way too big for the bathtub as it is even without her brother there. I know with younger children or children closer in age it's less of a big deal. But she is almost 5 and Evan is 16 months.
At this point, I think it's more of an attention thing; since Evan goes to bed earlier I start his routine and she wants to be part of it. I try to include her (hand me the diaper, get his PJs, put the dirty clothes in the hamper, get me his sippy of milk, etc.) but she's always asking to take a bath with him more often now. In your opinion, what age is this no longer appropriate? If you bathed your kids together, what age did you stop at? It was never a common routine for me to bathe them together all the time, have only done it maybe 25% of the time but now she wants to do it more for whatever reason.
Re: If you gave your kids baths together, what age did you stop at?
About just a few months ago Ryan insisted no. Usually he showers anyway but occasionallty would jump in if he wanted to get done fast to go watch TV. I think around 8 they get into privacy which I respect when he wants it. He still sees her naked sometimes and its not a big deal. She doesnt care yet.
I think when your child asks for their privacy thats when its time.
Good perspective. I was wondering with Ethan at 5 and Delaney at almost 3, if it's time to stop. I will let Ethan guide it.
Bella just turned 4 and Sal is a little over 2 1/2 and they still bathe together. They probably will for atleast another year. It makes life easy and they have fun together in the tub.
I think I was 6 when i stopped taking a bath with my brother but we were 3 1/2 years apart.
I still bathe all my kids together. No one has asked to bathe separately yet.
my ds & dd don't take baths together (no real reason why) but ds likes to "help" w/dd's bath. he is 3 1/2 & she is 19mos.
i give him a washcloth, soap and let him wash her back or legs (just not near her face - he would no doubt get soap in her eyes).
my point is maybe you can get her more involved w/ the actual bath process, not just helping after he is already out of the bath.